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Gecor 8™ Cor-Map® II Cor-Map®
Ohmcorr™ Porosiscope™ Chlorimeter™
Indicators James Air Meters

Corrosion Testing

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Gecor 8<br>Used for Analyzing Corrosion of Reinforcing Steel in Existing Structures. Cor-Map II®<br>Used for Corrosion Potential Data Acquisition And Analysis. Complete System Cu/Cuso4 Porosiscope™<br>Used for Field Tests for Air and Water Permeability of Concrete.
The Gecor 8™ features:
1. A method for rapidly mapping a structure's rebar corrosion rate with an advanced modulation confinement technique for precise corrosion rate analysis.
2. A new corrosion rate analysis technique for use in very wet or submerged structures.
3. New methodology for measurement of cathodic protection efficiency and more
Advanced system for corrosion potential data acquisition and analysis, allowing the user to quickly identify areas of probable corrosion in the field.  Unique Electrode is designed for use in horizontal, vertical and inverted positions.  Temperature and humidity sensors facilitate inclusion of envrionmental conditions in data analysis.  Conforms to ASTM C-876. The field test for air and water permeability of concrete using the Figg technique.  Both air and water permeability are measured by the same instrument.  Permeability both at the concrete surface as well as within the concrete mass can be determined.   Porosity in sealants and surface mortars can be checked.  Each test can completed in only a few minutes.
James Air Meters for Fresh Concrete - Accurate and Reliable Cor-Map® System<br>Used To Identify Probable Rebar Corrosion. Ohmcorr Test System™ Resistivity Meter<br>Used to Assess Corrosion Currents in Concrete.
Air content plays an important role in concrete, James offers the user a full range of air meters such as Type A pressure meter, Type B pressure meter and the Volumetric air meter. A Simple and Economical Method Used To Identify Probable Rebar Corrosion. Detachable electrode extension pieces facilitate measurements in hard to reach locations. The high impedance digital multi-meter is designed for tough field conditions. Conforms to ASTM C-876. Concrete resistivity meter used to assess rebar corrosion in concrete. Economic and Easy to use. Direct digital read out of resistivity. Used in conjunction with the Cor Map System.
ASR-Detect<br>Colored Dye System(S) Used To Detect Alkali Silica Reactive Gel.  Complete System Carbo Detect System<br>Colored Dye System Used To Detect Carbonation. Chloride Field Test System<br>Field Test System to Determine the Chloride Ion Concentration in Wet Or Dry Concrete.
Colored Dye System(S) Used To Detect Alkali Silica Reactive Gel.  Complete System Colored Dye System Used To Detect Carbonation. Field Test System to Determine the Chloride Ion Concentration in Wet Or Dry Concrete, and other construction materials.  This parameter is fundamental in corrosion analysis of existing structures.   It automatically shows a temperature compensated reading of percent of chlorides on its digital display. A wide chloride ranges - from 0.002 to 2% chloride by weight - is covered.  Results can be obtained in minutes!
Pack of 12 Jars of 20ml Extraction Liquid & 5 Jars of Colored Calibration Liquid One Box Containing 100 Jars of Extraction Liquid & 20 Jars of Calibration Liquid Chloride Combination Electrode
60Ml Bottle of Electrode Wetting Agent Cu/Cuso4 Half Cell Potential Probe for Cor Map II Container of Copper Sulfate (8 Oz, 250 Ml)

Downloadable MSDS Documents

Container of Copper Sulfate (8 Oz, 250 Ml) Gecor,Cor Map and Cor Map II

Downloadable MSDS Documents

Cable Reel  w/250ft. (80m) Cable Charger Chloride Field Test System<br>Field Test System to Determine the Chloride Ion Concentration in Wet Or Dry Concrete.
Price $261.00
Jar of Copper - Sulphate (50Gm) Bulk Pack Copper Sulphate (450Gm) 125 Ml Wetting Agent for Cor Map and Cor Map II
125 ml Wetting Agent for Cor Map and Cor Map II
Reference Electrode Electrode Extension Pieces Dispensing Sponge for Cor Map
Reference Electrode
Price $771.00
Dispensing Sponge
Price $58.00
Sponge for Cor Map
High Impedance Volt Meter Extension Poles Corrosion Rate Meter
Extension Poles
Price $160.00
Corrosion Rate Meter
Price $23,157.00
Gecor Corrosion Rate System Sensor A Gecor Rebar Corrosion Rate System Sensor B Sensor C
Sensor A
Price $8,370.00
Sensor B
Price $6,288.00
Sensor C
Price $9,063.00
Gecor Corrosion Rate System Sensor A for corrosion rate and polarization resistance of steel reinforcing bar Gecor Rebar Corrosion Rate System Sensor B for Half Cell Measurement, and corrosion potential measurement.